Vehicle Supervision Messages

Vehicle State

This message summarizes the overall state of the vehicle. It can contains information regarding:

  • The overall operation mode.
  • Any error conditions.
  • Current maneuver execution.
  • Active control loops.
  • Abbreviation: VehicleState
  • Identification Number: 500
  • Payload Size: 31+ bytes
  • Message Size: 53+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation Mode op_mode Enumerated (Enum Operation Mode) uint8_t The overall operation mode. Same as field type
Errors – Count error_count - uint8_t Error count for monitored entitites. Same as field type
Errors – Entities error_ents - plaintext The monitored entities with error conditions. This is a comma separated list of entity names. Same as field type
Maneuver – Type maneuver_type - uint16_t Type of maneuver being executed, when in MANEUVER mode. The value is the IMC serialization ID of the corresponding maneuver. Same as field type
Maneuver – Start Time maneuver_stime s fp64_t Start time of maneuver being executed (Epoch time), when in MANEUVER mode. Same as field type
Maneuver – ETA maneuver_eta s uint16_t Estimated time for maneuver completion. The value will be 65535 if the time is unknown or undefined. Same as field type
Control Loops control_loops Bitfield (Bitfield Control Loops Mask) uint32_t Enabled control loops. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t   Same as field type
Last Error – Description last_error - plaintext Description of last error. Same as field type
Last Error – Time last_error_time s fp64_t Time of last error (Epoch time). Same as field type

Enum Operation Mode

The overall operation mode.

  • Abbreviation: op_mode
  • Prefix: VS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Service SERVICE Ready to service requests.
1 Calibration CALIBRATION Ongoing vehicle calibration.
2 Error ERROR Errors are set.
3 Maneuver MANEUVER A maneuver is executing.
4 External Control EXTERNAL External control is active.
5 Boot BOOT Booting system.

Bitfield Flags

No description

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: VFLG
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Maneuver Done MANEUVER_DONE -

Vehicle Command

Vehicle command.

  • Abbreviation: VehicleCommand
  • Identification Number: 501
  • Payload Size: 10+ bytes
  • Message Size: 32+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t   Same as field type
Request ID request_id - uint16_t Request ID Same as field type
Command command Enumerated (VehicleCommand-enum-command) uint8_t The type of command/action to be performed Same as field type
Maneuver maneuver - message (Message-Group Maneuver) Maneuver to be executed (for ‘EXEC_MANEUVER’ command) Same as field type
Calibration Time calib_time s uint16_t Amount of time to calibrate Same as field type
Info info - plaintext Complementary human-readable information for replies. Same as field type

Enum Type

No description

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: VC
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request REQUEST -
1 Reply – Success SUCCESS -
2 Reply – In Progress IN_PROGRESS -
3 Reply – Failure FAILURE -

Enum Command

The type of command/action to be performed

  • Abbreviation: command
  • Prefix: VC
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Execute Maneuver EXEC_MANEUVER Execute the maneuver specified in ‘maneuver’ field.
1 Stop Maneuver STOP_MANEUVER Stop ‘maneuver’ being executed.
2 Start Calibration START_CALIBRATION Start calibrating vehicle.
3 Stop Calibration STOP_CALIBRATION Stop calibrating vehicle.

Monitor Entity State

Controls monitoring of entity states in the vehicle.

  • Abbreviation: MonitorEntityState
  • Identification Number: 502
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Command command Enumerated (Enum Command) uint8_t Command. Same as field type
Entity Names entities - plaintext Comma separated list of entity names. Same as field type

Enum Command


  • Abbreviation: command
  • Prefix: MES
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Reset to defaults RESET -
1 Enable Monitoring ENABLE -
2 Disable Monitoring DISABLE -
3 Enable Monitoring (exclusive - disables all others) ENABLE_EXCLUSIVE -
4 Status Report STATUS -

Entity Monitoring State

No description

  • Abbreviation: EntityMonitoringState
  • Identification Number: 503
  • Payload Size: 19+ bytes
  • Message Size: 41+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Entities monitored - Count mcount - uint8_t Number of entitities being monitored. Same as field type
Entities monitored - Names mnames - plaintext Comma separated list of all entity names being monitored. Same as field type
Entities with errors - Count ecount - uint8_t Number of entitities with non-critical errors. Same as field type
Entities with errors - Names enames - plaintext Comma separated list of all entity names with non-critical errors. Same as field type
Entities with critical errors - Count ccount - uint8_t Number of entitities with critical errors. Same as field type
Entities with critical errors - Names cnames - plaintext Comma separated list of all entity names with critical errors. Same as field type
Last Error – Description last_error - plaintext Description of last error. Same as field type
Last Error – Time last_error_time s fp64_t Time of last error (Epoch time). Same as field type

Operational Limits

Definition of operational limits.

  • Abbreviation: OperationalLimits
  • Identification Number: 504
  • Payload Size: 53 bytes
  • Message Size: 75 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Field Indicator Mask mask Bitfield (Bitfield Operational Limits Mask) uint8_t   Same as field type
Maximum Depth max_depth m fp32_t   min=0
Minimum Altitude min_altitude m fp32_t   min=0
Maximum Altitude max_altitude m fp32_t   min=0
Minimum Speed min_speed m/s fp32_t   min=0
Maximum Speed max_speed m/s fp32_t   min=0
Maximum Vertical Rate max_vrate m/s fp32_t   min=0
Area – WGS-84 Latitude lat rad fp64_t   min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Area – WGS-84 Longitude lon rad fp64_t   min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Area – Orientation orientation rad fp32_t   Same as field type
Area – Width width m fp32_t   Same as field type
Area – Length length m fp32_t   Same as field type

Get Operational Limits

Command to obtain the operational limits in use by the vehicle.

  • Abbreviation: GetOperationalLimits
  • Identification Number: 505
  • Payload Size: 0 bytes
  • Message Size: 22 bytes

This message has no fields.


Initiate overall calibration of a vehicle.

  • Abbreviation: Calibration
  • Identification Number: 506
  • Payload Size: 2 bytes
  • Message Size: 24 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Duration duration s uint16_t Duration of calibration. Same as field type

Control Loops

Enable or disable control loops.

  • Abbreviation: ControlLoops
  • Identification Number: 507
  • Payload Size: 9 bytes
  • Message Size: 31 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Enable enable Enumerated (Enum Enable) uint8_t   Same as field type
Control Loop Mask mask Bitfield (Bitfield Control Loops Mask) uint32_t Control loop mask. Same as field type
Scope Time Reference scope_ref - uint32_t Unsigned integer reference for the scope of the control loop message. Scope reference should only be set by a maneuver. Should be set to an always increasing reference at the time of dispatching this message. Lower level controllers must inherit the same scope reference sent by maneuver. This same scope reference must be sent down to lower control layers. Same as field type

Enum Enable

No description

  • Abbreviation: enable
  • Prefix: CL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Disable DISABLE -
1 Enable ENABLE -

Vehicle Medium

Detect current vehicle medium.

  • Abbreviation: VehicleMedium
  • Identification Number: 508
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Medium medium Enumerated (Enum Medium) uint8_t Current medium. Same as field type

Enum Medium

Current medium.

  • Abbreviation: medium
  • Prefix: VM
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Ground GROUND Vehicle is on the ground
1 Air AIR Vehicle is airborne
2 Water WATER Vehicle is at water surface
3 Underwater UNDERWATER Vehicle is underwater
4 Unknown UNKNOWN Vehicle medium is unknown


Detected collision.

  • Abbreviation: Collision
  • Identification Number: 509
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Collision value value m/s/s fp32_t Estimated collision acceleration value. Same as field type
Type type Bitfield (Bitfield Type) uint8_t Collision flags. Same as field type

Bitfield Type

Collision flags.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: CD
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 X-axis X Collision detected in the x-axis
0x02 Y-axis Y Collision detected in the y-axis
0x04 Z-axis Z Collision detected in the z-axis
0x08 Impact IMPACT Sudden impact detected

Formation Tracking State

Monitoring variables to assert the formation tracking state, i.e., the mismatch between the real and the simulated aircraft position, the convergence state, etc.

  • Abbreviation: FormState
  • Identification Number: 510
  • Payload Size: 15 bytes
  • Message Size: 37 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Position Mismatch PosSimErr m fp32_t Mismatch between the real and the simulated aircraft position. Same as field type
Convergence Converg m fp32_t Convergence evalution variable. Value indicates the position error to which the system is converging, tacking into account the aircraft current position error and velocity. Same as field type
Stream Turbulence Turbulence m/s/s fp32_t Evaluation of the stream turbulence level, through the stream acceleration. Same as field type
Position Mismatch Monitor PosSimMon Enumerated (Enum Position Mismatch Monitor) uint8_t Position mismatch monitoring flag. Same as field type
Communications Monitor CommMon Enumerated (Enum Communications Monitor) uint8_t Communications monitoring flag. Same as field type
Convergence ConvergMon Enumerated (Enum Convergence) uint8_t Convergence monitoring flag. Same as field type

Enum Position Mismatch Monitor

Position mismatch monitoring flag.

  • Abbreviation: PosSimMon
  • Prefix: POS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Ok OK -
1 Warning threshold WRN -
2 Limit threshold LIM -

Enum Communications Monitor

Communications monitoring flag.

  • Abbreviation: CommMon
  • Prefix: COMMS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Ok OK -
1 Timeout TIMEOUT -

Enum Convergence

Convergence monitoring flag.

  • Abbreviation: ConvergMon
  • Prefix: CONV
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Ok OK -
1 Timeout TIMEOUT -

Autopilot Mode

Reports autopilot mode.

  • Abbreviation: AutopilotMode
  • Identification Number: 511
  • Payload Size: 3+ bytes
  • Message Size: 25+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Autonomy Level autonomy Enumerated (Enum Autonomy Level) uint8_t Current mode autonomy level. Same as field type
Mode mode - plaintext Current mode name. Same as field type

Enum Autonomy Level

Current mode autonomy level.

  • Abbreviation: autonomy
  • Prefix: AL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Manual MANUAL Autopilot has no control
1 Assisted ASSISTED Autopilot has some control
2 Auto AUTO Autopilot has full control

Formation Tracking State

Monitoring variables to assert the formation tracking state, i.e., the mismatch between the real and the simulated aircraft position, the convergence state, etc.

  • Abbreviation: FormationState
  • Identification Number: 512
  • Payload Size: 17 bytes
  • Message Size: 39 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Type type Enumerated (Enum Type) uint8_t Indicates if the message is a request, or a reply to a previous request. Same as field type
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Operation to perform. Same as field type
Position Mismatch PosSimErr m fp32_t Mismatch between the real and the simulated aircraft position. Same as field type
Convergence Converg m fp32_t Convergence evalution variable. Value indicates the position error to which the system is converging, tacking into account the aircraft current position error and velocity. Same as field type
Stream Turbulence Turbulence m/s/s fp32_t Evaluation of the stream turbulence level, through the stream acceleration. Same as field type
Position Mismatch Monitor PosSimMon Enumerated (Enum Position Mismatch Monitor) uint8_t Position mismatch monitoring flag. Same as field type
Communications Monitor CommMon Enumerated (Enum Communications Monitor) uint8_t Communications monitoring flag. Same as field type
Convergence ConvergMon Enumerated (Enum Convergence) uint8_t Convergence monitoring flag. Same as field type

Enum Type

Indicates if the message is a request, or a reply to a previous request.

  • Abbreviation: type
  • Prefix: FC
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request REQUEST -
1 Report REPORT -

Enum Operation

Operation to perform.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Start START Start the formation maneuver.
1 Stop STOP Stop the formation maneuver.

Enum Position Mismatch Monitor

Position mismatch monitoring flag.

  • Abbreviation: PosSimMon
  • Prefix: POS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Ok OK -
1 Warning threshold WRN -
2 Limit threshold LIM -

Enum Communications Monitor

Communications monitoring flag.

  • Abbreviation: CommMon
  • Prefix: COMMS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Ok OK -
1 Timeout TIMEOUT -

Enum Convergence

Convergence monitoring flag.

  • Abbreviation: ConvergMon
  • Prefix: CONV
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Ok OK -
1 Timeout TIMEOUT -

Report Control

This message is sent to trigger reports to a destination system.

  • Abbreviation: ReportControl
  • Identification Number: 513
  • Payload Size: 6+ bytes
  • Message Size: 28+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Operation to perform. Same as field type
Communication Interface comm_interface Bitfield (Bitfield Communication Interface) uint8_t Communication interface to be used for reports. Same as field type
Period period s uint16_t Desired periodicity for scheduled reports. Same as field type
Destination System sys_dst - plaintext Destination Address to be filled where applicable. It should be interpreted differently depending on communication interface. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Operation to perform.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Request Start of Reports REQUEST_START Request a system to periodically send reports through ‘interface’. The destination system will reply with a STARTED command. Periodicity will be defined by the field ‘period’. If applicable, the destination address is defined in field ‘dst’.
1 Report Started STARTED The destination system will reply a message with this operation everytime a report is successfully started. The periodicity of reports is indicated in the field ‘period’ while the communication interface to be used is described in field ‘interface’. If applicable, the destination address is defined in field ‘dst’.
2 Request Stop of Reports REQUEST_STOP Request a system to stop dispatching reports through a given communication interface described in ‘interface’. The destination system will reply with a STOPPED command. If applicable, the destination address is defined in field ‘dst’.
3 Report Stopped STOPPED The destination system will reply a message with this operation everytime a scheduled report is successfully stopped in a defined communication interface. If applicable, the destination address is defined in field ‘dst’.
4 Request Single Reports REQUEST_REPORT Request a system to issue a single report in a defined communication interface. The destination system will reply with a REPORT_ISSUED command. If applicable, the destination address is defined in field ‘dst’.
5 Single Report Sent REPORT_SENT The destination system will reply a single report request with this operation.If applicable, the destination address is defined in field ‘dst’.

Bitfield Communication Interface

Communication interface to be used for reports.

  • Abbreviation: comm_interface
  • Prefix: CI
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Acoustic ACOUSTIC Use acoustic communications
0x02 Satellite SATELLITE Use satellite communications
0x04 GSM GSM Use Global System for Mobile Communications
0x08 Mobile MOBILE Use mobile networks
0x10 Radio RADIO Use Radio telemetry

State Report

Concise representation of entire system state.

  • Abbreviation: StateReport
  • Identification Number: 514
  • Payload Size: 24 bytes
  • Message Size: 46 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Time Stamp stime s uint32_t Time, in seconds, since January 1st 1970. Same as field type
Latitude latitude ° fp32_t Latitude of the system, in degrees. Same as field type
Longitude longitude ° fp32_t Longitude of the system, in degrees. Same as field type
Altitude altitude dm uint16_t
Altitude of the system, in decimeters.
  • 0xFFFF used for unknown / not applicable value.
Same as field type
Depth depth dm uint16_t
Depth of the system, in decimeters.
  • 0xFFFF used for unknown / not applicable value.
Same as field type
Heading heading - uint16_t Calculated as (rads * (0xFFFF / (2 * PI)) Same as field type
Speed speed cm/s int16_t Speed of the system in centimeters per second. Same as field type
Fuel fuel % int8_t
System fuel gauge.
  • -1 means unknown fuel level.
Same as field type
Execution State exec_state % int8_t
Progress of execution or idle state.
  • -1 means Service mode
  • -2 means Boot mode
  • -3 means Calibration mode
  • -4 means Error mode
Same as field type
Plan Checksum plan_checksum - uint16_t Checksum of the plan being executed. Same as field type

Transmission Request

Request data to be sent over a specified communication mean.

  • Abbreviation: TransmissionRequest
  • Identification Number: 515
  • Payload Size: 24+ bytes
  • Message Size: 46+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t The unique identifier for this request. Same as field type
Communication Mean comm_mean Enumerated (Enum Communication Mean) uint8_t Communication mean to be used to transfer these data. Same as field type
Destination System destination - plaintext The name of the system where to send this message. Same as field type
Deadline deadline - fp64_t Deadline for message transmission (seconds since epoch). Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type
Data Mode data_mode Enumerated (Enum Data Mode) uint8_t Type of data to be transmitted. Abort and Range mode can only be used with comm_mean=ACOUSTIC Same as field type
Message Data msg_data - message Data to be transmitted if selected data_mode is INLINEMSG. Same as field type
Text Data txt_data - plaintext Data to be transmitted if selected data_mode is TEXT. Same as field type
Raw Data raw_data - rawdata Data to be transmitted if selected data_mode is RAW. Same as field type

Enum Communication Mean

Communication mean to be used to transfer these data.

  • Abbreviation: comm_mean
  • Prefix: CMEAN
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 WiFi WIFI -
1 Acoustic ACOUSTIC -
2 Satellite SATELLITE -
4 Any ANY -
5 All ALL -

Enum Data Mode

Type of data to be transmitted. Abort and Range mode can only be used with comm_mean=ACOUSTIC

  • Abbreviation: data_mode
  • Prefix: DMODE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Inline Message INLINEMSG -
1 Text TEXT -
2 Raw Data RAW -
3 Abort ABORT -
4 Range RANGE -
5 Reverse Range REVERSE_RANGE -

Transmission Status

Reply sent in response to a communications request.

  • Abbreviation: TransmissionStatus
  • Identification Number: 516
  • Payload Size: 9+ bytes
  • Message Size: 31+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type
Range range m fp32_t The meaning of this field depends on the operation and is explained in the operation’s description. Same as field type
Information info - plaintext   Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: TSTAT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 In progress IN_PROGRESS -
1 Sent SENT -
51 Delivered DELIVERED -
52 Delivery is unknown MAYBE_DELIVERED -
60 Range received RANGE_RECEIVED -
101 Input Error INPUT_FAILURE -
102 Temporary Error TEMPORARY_FAILURE -
103 Permanent Failure PERMANENT_FAILURE -

SMS Transmission Request

Request SMS Text sending.

  • Abbreviation: SmsRequest
  • Identification Number: 517
  • Payload Size: 14+ bytes
  • Message Size: 36+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Destination destination - plaintext Recipient identifier (number or name). Same as field type
Timeout timeout s fp64_t Period of time to send message (in seconds). Same as field type
SMS Text sms_text - plaintext   Same as field type

SMS Transmission Status

Reply sent in response to a SMS sending request.

  • Abbreviation: SmsStatus
  • Identification Number: 518
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type
Information info - plaintext Error description. Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: SMSSTAT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Queued QUEUED -
1 Sent SENT -
101 Input Error INPUT_FAILURE -
102 Error trying to send sms ERROR -

VTOL State

Reports VTOL current state.

  • Abbreviation: VtolState
  • Identification Number: 519
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
State state Enumerated (Enum State) uint8_t   Same as field type

Enum State

No description

  • Abbreviation: state
  • Prefix: VTOL_STATE
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Undefined UNDEFINED Vehicle is not configured as VTOL.
1 Transition to Fixed-Wing TRANSITION_TO_FW Vehicle is in transition from multicopter to fixed-wing.
2 Transition to MultiCopter TRANSITION_TO_MC Vehicle is in transition from fixed-wing to multicopter.
3 MutiCopter MC Vehicle is in multicopter state.
4 Fixed-Wing FW Vehicle is in fixed-wing state.

Arming State

Reports if motors are currently armed or disarmed.

  • Abbreviation: ArmingState
  • Identification Number: 520
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
State state Enumerated (Enum State) uint8_t   Same as field type

Enum State

No description

  • Abbreviation: state
  • Prefix: MOTORS
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Armed ARMED -
1 Disarmed DISARMED -

TCP Transmission Request

Request data to be sent over a TCP connection

  • Abbreviation: TCPRequest
  • Identification Number: 521
  • Payload Size: 14+ bytes
  • Message Size: 36+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Destination destination - plaintext Recipient identifier (number or name). Same as field type
Timeout timeout s fp64_t Period of time to send message (in seconds). Same as field type
Message Data msg_data - message IMC message to be transmitted . Same as field type

TCP Transmission Status

Reply sent in response to a TCP sending request.

  • Abbreviation: TCPStatus
  • Identification Number: 522
  • Payload Size: 5+ bytes
  • Message Size: 27+ bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Request Identifier req_id - uint16_t   Same as field type
Status status Enumerated (Enum Status) uint8_t   Same as field type
Information info - plaintext Error description. Same as field type

Enum Status

No description

  • Abbreviation: status
  • Prefix: TCPSTAT
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Queued QUEUED -
1 Sent SENT -
100 Input Error INPUT_FAILURE -
101 Host Unknown HOST_UNKNOWN -
102 Can’t Connect CANT_CONNECT -
103 Error trying to send sms ERROR -